Simple Tips To Do Basic Garage Door Repair

For all those with a car or other vehicle, garage door repair is a common problem. If you own a car, you may want to make sure your garage is in good working condition. Moreover, you may not want to call a professional in case your garage door needs minor repairs. Below are a few tips that can help you carry out minor repairs.

Metal tracks

Check the door openers to make sure they are not loose. But if they are, you should go ahead and tighten all the loose screws and bolts. However, if the metal tracks are too damaged, you may want to replace them.

Alignment of the openers

The door openers have to be properly aligned. Make sure both of the tracks are at the equal height on the walls of the garage. For fixing the misaligned tracks, you should loosen the door bolts and then move the tracks into the right position with great care. Once you are done, don’t forget to tighten each bolt once again.

Remove the dirt

Make sure you clear any dist or dirt from the tracks. In the same way, the tracks should be free of any hardened grease. Check the rollers and clean them properly.

Lubricate the rollers and tracks

Rollers and tracks work properly only if they are lubricated on a regular basis. For this purpose, you can go for a lubricant spray.

Tight the loose hardware

The screws of the door should be tight at all times. Aside from this, you may want to replace the damaged hinges. On the other hand, the hinges can be serviced if they are sagged.


The springs should be hooked in their hole. If you find it hard to do the garage door repair, all you need to do is adjust the tension in the doors. To do this, you should remove the hook of the spring to the next notch or hole.

If your garage door has a spring cable, you can adjust the tension. All you have to do is pull the cable more through the sturdy plate on the door. Once done, you can reverse the action.

Stay safe

If your garage door looks terribly damaged, don’t make the mistake of fixing it on your own. Why shouldn’t you do this type of repair on your own? The reason is that badly damaged garage doors are dangerous. You may end up hurting yourself or damage the door further. So, if you are sure that the door needs a major repair, you may want to contact a professional as soon as you can rather than do the repair yourself.

Read Full Article Here: Simple Tips To Do Basic Garage Door Repair